949 Orangeburg Rd Suite C, Summerville, SC 29483

Medicare Chiropractic

Medicare chiropractic care: A good option for seniors

Seniors can benefit from chiropractic care, which helps address joint deterioration from a lifetime of stress to the spine. Chiropractic care offers many potential benefits to seniors, including:

  • Relief from chronic pain
  • Increased range of motion
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Reduced risk for falls
  • Increased energy
  • Overall improvement in quality of life

Medicare chiropractic coverage

Fortunately, Medicare does cover the main form of chiropractic care: manual (i.e., using the hands) adjustment of the spine to correct a subluxation (spinal misalignment). Correcting these types of misalignments – and the underlying effects on soft tissue structures and your central nervous system – can help address joint deterioration and also provide relief from a range of chronic conditions, including back pain, neck pain and headaches.

Conditions for Medicare chiropractic coverage

Medicare chiropractic coverage is offered under the following conditions:

  • Medicare covers chiropractic manual adjustment of the spine if medically necessary to correct a subluxation.
  • All people with Medicare are covered for a certain percentage of the manual adjustment cost.
  • Other diagnostic costs, including X-rays, are not covered.

For more information about Medicare chiropractic coverage, visit Medicare.gov.

You can also call our Summerville chiropractic office at 843-900-7006 and we'll be happy to answer all of your Medicare chiropractic coverage questions.

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